Trading is a game for the brave.

Daily update on March 18, 2024: Bitcoin returned to the 68,000 mark, up 1% during the day. In the past 24 hours, the entire network has liquidated positions of US$259 million, including approximately US$127 million in long positions and approximately US$132 million in short positions. Among them, the liquidation of Bitcoin was approximately US$67.77 million, the liquidation of Ethereum was approximately US$54.1 million, and the liquidation of SOL was approximately US$19.47 million.

Account situation: Yesterday, I deposited 20,000 yuan. The current total capital remains at 540,000+ (including dividends), the principal is 150,000, and the rate of return is close to 270+%.

There is no major change in the contract account compared to yesterday. We closed the ata position and reduced the arpa position. The current position is 297,000, which is about 60% of the position. Waiting for a slight rebound, then our account can continue to hit new highs. With 1.3 billion long positions liquidated in the past three days, it is not easy for our naked long strategy to maintain such a stable curve. It is also among the top leaders in the market. Moreover, there are not many big Vs in the currency circle who dare to disclose their strategies and positions. They are all masters of hindsight.

Risk warning: Leverage is not a devil, it is just a tool to improve capital utilization. Leverage itself has no risk, the real risk comes from human nature.

#热门话题 #BTC #eth #bnb