Today, March 18th, is the Nvidia AI Conference. At that time, the coins in the AI ​​sector could have reached a high. However, it is a pity that Bitcoin plummeted before the conference, which dragged down the trend of AI. Otherwise, it would have been much higher.

1. Laying out new opportunities in AI and OP

Wait for the selling pressure to end: AI and OP currency prices have fluctuated recently, and it is expected that the selling pressure will gradually subside by the end of the month, providing a good opportunity for layout. Optimize asset allocation: After the end of the month, you can consider converting some CFX or SOL into RNDR and OP that have less market attention to optimize the investment portfolio.

2. Seize market adjustment opportunities

Pay attention to market trends: Pay close attention to market dynamics and capture the layout opportunities of currencies such as AI and OP. Flexibly adjust strategies: Flexibly adjust investment strategies according to market changes, rationally allocate assets, and maximize returns.

Buy when no one cares, sell when there is a lot of buzz

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#热门话题 #BTC #ETH #op #AI大会