In the previous article, I shared about the gateway before entering the world of cryptocurrency, which is the exchange. If you stop there, you have only discovered 1% of the Crypto world.

You need a tool to be able to connect to products and buy and sell cryptocurrencies that are not yet available on the exchange.

👉 That is the Electronic Wallet

If the exchange is a place to help you:

- Manage

- Purchase

- Exchange


E-wallet is also a similar place. But here's something special:

👉 Use the wallet to connect to decentralized applications in the market.

If you need to buy Shopee products, you need to log in with your email and password, but in Shopee Crypto, you just need a wallet and connection. It is done.

Flexibility, security, and complete autonomy in managing and using assets are also what make people often leave their assets on cryptocurrency wallets instead of exchanges.