#BTC #币安披萨 ##币安披萨活动

Thirteen years ago, on May 22, 2010, a programmer used 10,000 BTC to buy two pizzas. Based on today's Bitcoin settlement of $26,600, it was worth $260 million and was called the most expensive pizza in history.

Since then, May 22 has also been known as “Bitcoin International Pizza Day”.

As latecomers to Bitcoin, we only listened to this story as a joke.

After Satoshi Nakamoto published the white paper "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System" on October 31, 2008, the concept of bitcoin was mentioned for the first time; then on January 3, 2009, the first batch of bitcoins were Dig it out, and Bitcoin is officially born.

Today we say that Bitcoin has increased 100 million times, which is also based on the fact that the programmer exchanged 10,000 BTC for two pizzas worth US$25.

The programmer who spent 10,000 BTC on pizza

Now it is meaningless to discuss whether it is worth spending 10,000 BTC to buy 2 pizzas.

In 2010, when everyone could use computers to mine Bitcoin, they could easily mine tens of thousands of BTC by turning on their computers, and they could actually exchange them for two pizzas for free, which was even more amazing at the time.

At that time, the programmer whose online name was Laszlo (real name Laszlo Hanyecz) posted a request for help in the Bitcoin Forum on May 18, exchanging 10,000 Bitcoins for two pizzas. At first, no one Those who responded and paid attention were ridiculed.

It was not until 4 days later that Laszlo updated the latest news, "I just want to report that I successfully traded 10,000 Bitcoins for pizza, thank you jercos (real name Jeremy Sturdivant)!".

It took 4 days to complete the transaction of exchanging 10,000 BTC for 2 pizzas, which proved for the first time that Bitcoin was valuable, and BTC had a price of $0.0025. Today, the price of Bitcoin is $26,600.

The fact that Bitcoin can be successfully exchanged for pizza shows that some people are willing to pay attention to BTC and try to consume Bitcoin, which was similar to game currency at the time, as real money. It is also the first transformation of BTC from concept to value.

Laszlo and pizza are inseparable

Now looking at the two people who traded 10,000 Bitcoins at that time, it seems that their life trajectory has not changed much.

Laszlo continued to be his programmer, and jercos has since paid attention to cryptocurrency. 10,000 BTC is only one of the fuels for his exploration. After all, no one can predict the future trend of BTC, and no one can enjoy the full increase.

In the blockchain market, more innovative thinking may also bring huge wealth. However, under the historical environment at that time, many people could not understand new things, looked down upon them, and looked down upon them. In the end, they could only afford to climb high.

Think about what you were doing in 2010. Even if you saw Laszlo’s post at that time, you might not redeem it with him;

At that time, you could also buy BTC on the almighty Taobao, and the price was 0.5 yuan. Even if you already knew BTC at that time, the buyer and seller might not be able to get it now, or they might have forgotten the mnemonic phrase.

There are also friends who were mining in Internet cafes at that time. I don’t know how much BTC they mined. How are they doing now?

History will not go back.

Free pizza from Binance

History can only be seen clearly by looking back. The so-called 4-year halving cycle, the repeated fluctuations of ups and downs, looks at the K-line to find nodes and analyze events; just like among the many opportunities now, I don’t know which one to seize. Only time will tell.

The world continues to change, and no one can predict it accurately; every choice today will affect the results tomorrow; and we can only grasp every moment.

Just like today, no one can understand whether the $26,600 BTC is valuable, and no one knows which decision to buy or sell will bring about good results?

The above is just my personal opinion, no investment advice. I am Chuxiaolian, and I am paying attention to the metaverse and web3.