Imagine carrying all the essential information on your mobile 📱

ID, academic degrees, bank cards, driver's license... 🚙

That they can send you hashta#digitaleuros, procedures with the administrations, hashta#signingof rental contracts 🏠

Well, the European Regulation hashta#eIDAS2has recently been approved, which simplifies personal identification and access to services through a wallet (European Digital Identity Wallet) 😝

This wallet promises to change the way we interact in the EU and thanks to hashta#Blockchaintechnology and crypto assets.

From online payments to government transactions, this new system intends to simplify our daily lives, allowing various operations to be carried out with ease and efficiency.

The way is also cleared for the digital euro.. 💶🇪🇺

And How Will It Affect Companies?

Companies can expand their reach beyond national borders and access a broader and more diverse market across the EU.

The first users to test the app will be citizens of the Nordic-Baltic eID Project (NOBID).

NOBID is a consortium that is made up of 6 countries: Italy, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Germany and Latvia.

🌐💻 hashtag#DigitalTransformationEU

What do you think ? Are you going to use your wallet?

How will this affect the banks?

Vicente Ortiz



#legal #wallet