There are currently a lot of short sellers in the market (short parties have concentrated chips). What will happen to the market and $BTC ?

Judging from the current contract data, the Capital Shortage Index (CSI) has not fallen too much, which means that market traders continue to actively leverage operations, and it also means that the real short-term bottom has not yet arrived.

Let’s look at #BTC again. A large number of red bars have begun to appear in the short-term chip concentration ratio (HC), which means that market traders are generally short Bitcoin. In the past bull market, the appearance of red bars was often the time of short-term bottom.

In summary, CSI is still at a high level and HC is favorable for rebounding. It should be in the range-bound phase at present. Only when CSI drops to a low level can there be a real opportunity for bargain hunting. #內容挖矿