Being short on BNB does not mean that you are not optimistic about it.

On the contrary, I am very optimistic about BNB. In a winner-takes-all industry, it is very difficult for others to catch up and be the first. Just like Bitcoin and Ethereum, there are only candies issued by these three Musketeers and Binance in the position. Those who keep saying that they want to kill Ethereum, or even don’t take Ethereum seriously, where are they now? That’s right, I’m talking about you, EOS!

Why are you still ambivalent about shorting BNB? This small position plan is to capture the bear market, mainly because I want to use BNB to feel the pulse of the market.

Why not short EOS? What the scumbag means is that the rise and fall make no sense at all and do not reflect market information at all.

#内容挖矿 $BTC $ETH $BNB