#BTC The overall rhythm on Thursday was more in line with expectations. In the morning, it was prompted to retrace to go long. After the retracement in the afternoon, the Ether market followed suit and was bullish. The rebound in the afternoon was all captured. In the evening, the bulls continued to be weak. The intraday prompt was again to go short in the early morning. Exploring all the gains, this rhythm is like this. In fact, it is basically the strength in the afternoon that establishes the direction in the evening. Only after the short selling pressure will reduce the obstacles to the bulls, compared with the room to pull up, there is still room for retracement. Or is it defined as correcting the rhythm without changing it.

The technical structure still hasn’t changed much. The weekly line is still in the continuous Yang pattern. The daily line has a small double-pin bottom structure after early morning cultivation. Don’t follow the shorts just because of a retracement. The strength in the afternoon is still the same. is the key. The small structure has formed a support platform at the 68500 line. Then it is bullish around this position. In the small cycle, it will recover again after the short-term retracement. The recovery will be larger. It will retreat first and follow the long, and then break the high. Just drop the bag in time to adjust.

On Friday morning, I personally recommend going long around 70500-71000, with a target around 74000, and focusing on ether around 3830-3850, with a target around 4000. #ETH $BTC $ETH $BNB