Here are some things to pay attention to when speculating on currencies:

Do not borrow money Loan: Loan Borrowing money to trade will double your risk. Once you lose money, you will face both debt and psychological pressure.

Trading without leverage or trading with leverage will magnify your risk. Once you lose money, you will face greater losses.

Don’t blindly follow the trend and blindly follow other people’s trading strategies. You need to conduct reasonable transactions based on your actual situation and risk tolerance.

Do not trade frequently. Frequent trading will increase your transaction costs and increase risks.

Don't trade emotionally. Trading emotionally will cause you to lose your mind and misjudge the market.

Don’t blindly follow the trend, make your own judgment

Don't believe so-called inside information, it's probably a scam

Don’t trust strangers, especially when it comes to money transactions

Do not disclose personal information easily and protect your privacy

Don’t easily believe in promises of high returns, it may be a trap

Don't trust so-called experts easily, they may be liars

Don't trade on any small platform and buy high-risk targets, because safety and stability cannot be guaranteed, which may lead to capital losses.

Don’t trust other people’s investment advice easily, especially those that have not been verified

Don't believe the so-called low risk or zero risk, these are accompanied by a high risk of losing all your money.

The risk of currency speculation is high, and full-time currency speculation may lead to great financial pressure.

Requires a lot of time and effort, which may affect work and life

The market is highly volatile, so stay rational and calm and avoid misjudgments as much as possible#热门话题

Good mental and emotional management is required to avoid fluctuations in circumstances that may affect decision-making#BTC

It is necessary to constantly learn and update knowledge, collect the latest market news, improve cognitive level, and improve analysis and judgment capabilities. #WIF