#ssv Is the ssv of 35 on March 6 still in the car? At that time, a lot of people said that once you buy it, it won’t go up. Now it’s 50 and it’s too late. When there was a pullback, they told you to come in but you didn’t. Now it’s like you can’t reach it again.

I will call you when there is a correction next time. If you need funds, you can reduce your positions in a small amount first.

SSV enters Rstaking track

SSV: Liquid Staking Section, decentralized staking infrastructure that makes decentralized ETH staking simple and scalable accessible to everyone. The total supply is 11 million coins, the circulation is 10 million coins, the circulating market value is 300 million US dollars, and the circulation rate

91%, the number of listed companies is 37, the layout price is 20-25 US dollars, long-term. Optimistic about the estimated market value of the bull market peak at 6-7 billion US dollars#ssv$SSV