Uptrend is the market of stories. Whoever tells good stories, draws well, and markets well will project xxx. The product part probably only accounts for 20% of success.

Last season's drawing was the Metaverse - Mark Curly at the helm.

This season's drawing cake is AI - directed by Sam and Musk.

Considering many aspects, about the diversity of the market, about the practicality/usefulness of the product, about the manipulation ability of pioneers... all lead to a single conclusion: this season's AI trend will even more explosive than the Metaverse trend last season. There will be many projects going from capitalization of m$ to hundreds of m$, even billions of dollars. That's the opportunity, it's just a matter of whether we can grasp it or not.

So, don't ask yourself: can I x100 this season?

Are not? But ask yourself: Have I prepared my gear to go treasure hunting?

#ai #metaverse #hotTrends