#PIXEL Let’s talk about another variety in the chain gaming sector. The spot price that Xiaojia announced on March 5 has almost doubled to the highest level now. In the reply to fans a few days ago, I said that I am optimistic about these gamefi varieties. The trend has been very good in recent days. Brothers, chain games are very popular recently, and they are rushing upwards, including the gala mentioned yesterday. #gala

#pixel Ideas for placing orders

From a long-term perspective, the antenna belongs to the first wave of rising prices and has broken through the previous high. It is currently trading sideways at a high level. Do not blindly chase the high. It will enter a correction in 4 hours. The spot stocks purchased in the past few days can be partially reduced at the high level. Above the big cycle There is still a lot of profit, and you can buy spot goods when the correction is in place.

In short-term operation, profits from long orders can be used to reduce positions. In the short-term, it is currently in a 4-hour callback. If the lower support level does not fall below the callback, there are opportunities for multiple orders at these three positions, 0.8008/0.7484/0.6769,

(Short-term strategy is valid for 8 hours, watch the market operation, no placing orders, especially friends with high leverage, beware of inserting pins) #热门话题 $PIXEL #PIXEL.24小时交易策略