The main theme of this year is Ai. I have learned about it recently through the cryptocurrency market and information from senior bigwigs.

Myshell_ai received $5.6 million investment from @Binance in its early stage;

Today I will introduce this project which has been in progress for almost two months.

This project is worth recommending. Why? Because it is an AI project. You can chat, learn, and ask questions to AI for free every day, and solve the difficulties in answering questions in other projects. You can restore energy through energy value every day to continue chatting.

Everyone knows the situation inside the Great Firewall. To use Chatgpt, you need to buy an account on Taobao, but we can do it for free and are even rewarded with tokens.

You can chat with various fun characters, or create your own AI robot.

To be honest, after using Chat3.5 and Chat4.0, everyone will have their own judgment... If you have patience and a learning attitude, this project must be a good learning tool

Interaction steps

If you cannot open the link, please use scientific Internet tools

🔸Official website link, just copy and open in browser

If you need an invitation code, you can use


🔸Register and fill in personal information

🔸Complete the daily tasks of the season in the rewards section

🔸At the end of the season (s10, 5 days left)

After the project is over, the points can be exchanged for shellcoins. It is not clear when this project will end. It is enough for daily use. On the contrary, the later the coins are issued, the better.

If there are new developments in subsequent projects, they will be updated continuously.

The future is now!

#热门话题 #EOS #sei #空投分享 #AI板块 $SOL