40 states in the United States declared currency independence, China quickly sold off U.S. debt, and 1,677 tons of gold arrived in China

Original CC.Niya 2024-03-08 20:50 Beijing 1593 people listened

On March 8, more than 50 years after Federal Reserve Chairman Powell testified before the Senate that he was confident of cutting interest rates, boosting the price of gold to a record high and more than 50 years after the United States excluded gold from the world monetary system, many people believe that gold is the most important thing in the world. As the role of central banks in the monetary system comes to an end, a growing number of U.S. states

The authorities declared financial and monetary independence, allowing gold and silver to become legal currencies on par with the U.S. dollar, begin to perform general equivalent functions in commodity transactions, and be used as exchange currencies to repay U.S. debts and taxes to cope with the decline in the purchasing power of the U.S. dollar and inflation. Uncertainty risks indicate that the U.S. dollar, the cornerstone of the global financial order, has experienced a crisis of confidence in the United States.

The latest development is that the Louisiana authorities in the United States signed a bill (SB232) on March 6, giving gold and silver the status of independent legal tender in the state, alongside the U.S. dollar, canceling transaction taxes, and The U.S. Treasury Department is prohibited from seizing and "confiscating" gold, which also means that 40 states in the United States have officially declared independence in the financial and monetary system, declaring that the U.S. dollar is not the only legal tender.

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