There are two methods. The first is to use high leverage. For example, when the pie is bought for 35,000 and it rises to 65,000, this often leads to a narrow escape.

The second one to grab a 100x coin, there are 100x coins every year. The one with the highest increase this year should be Ordi, with an increase of 2500 times.

Based on my many years of investment experience, I share the framework for selecting 100x coins:

1. The circulation market value and total market value should be low. The total market value of the public chain should be less than 50 million, dapp protocol

It is best to be below 5 million. It is easy to understand that the circulating market value should be low. If the market value is not low, the space will not be large enough. The lower the better. Why the total market value must be low? That is because the tokens will be slowly released in the next 1-2 years. For coins, if the total market value is not low, it means that the project side can make a fortune without pulling the market and shipping sideways. In other words, if it falls 10 times, the price and profit will still be very high.

2. The ceiling of the track must be high. At least the bull market valuation must be more than 1 billion US dollars. If it is a meme currency, you should refer to dog coin, if it is a public chain, you should refer to ETH SOL MATIC, if it is a dapp and other protocols, refer to uni aave LDO etc.

3. Don’t participate in new narratives and tracks that are too unpopular. It is better to solve practical problems. New narratives must be long-term value discovery, rather than short-term cyclical hype. For example, the current AI GPU computing power narrative is safer, faster and more Decentralized public chain, spanning several track infrastructures such as Yuanverse chain game AR.

4. Hundred times black horse coins

It must be in a place where no one cares about it because the coins known to the whole Internet basically open high (ICP) or normal valuation (ARB). Do you think their unit price can increase 100 times? When the market opened, the total market value was Tens of billions, hundreds of billions, let alone a 100-fold increase, even if it rises 10 times, it will catch up with ETH and BTC.

5. Early 100x coins

Liquidity is basically very poor, usually on the chain or on small exchanges. So when many novices see others recommending early coins, they don’t study the value and keep saying that they don’t want to go to small exchanges because they are too common. Dog, purchasing is too troublesome, and the app doesn’t even participate. This is all superficial, and the essence of value is not seen.

6. The best time for the token to go online is at the end of the bull market or the beginning of the bear market. When researching or buying, the time for going online and washing is

6-12个月最好,流通率最好大于50%. KAS是22年5月上线的,深度洗盘6个月左右,今年最高涨幅有100多倍. PPI是22年5月上线的,深度洗盘9个月后开始爆拉,目前流通率是60%左右,今年最高涨幅有50倍左右.

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