1. The government is not willing to operate Worldcoin with anonymous users and not collect KYC data necessary to provide such information to the Treasury. Something that requires regulated Wallets and Exchanges.

The Iris or biometric data collected (and its use or management) matters to the government/AEPD zero point zero. It's a fake.

In fact, in the KYC they force you to stand in front of the camera and be recorded/photographed, verify your physical identity with your passport, ID or official documents provided.

Does anyone think what they control so that they are not stolen or used fraudulently by exchanges, banks, telecom companies or social networks, etc.?

In February we learned that all the Transport Cards of the Community of Madrid had been hacked (search on Google) And what happened? silence.

On the contrary, and I am referring to my personal case, Worldcoin of me, the most it has is a photo of my face and eyes, which I doubt due to the time, distance and way of scanning, that there was an exhaustive scan of my iris.

In reality, they don't have any more data to cross-reference the photo with, except for the phone's imei. They have no name, no phone number, no email, no bank details...

I sent my WLDs to a wallet address.

2. As a consequence of the above, the fact that an anonymous App can generate for each user, over €600 at the current exchange rate and that this amount is deposited in bank accounts without 20% withholding, the AEAT was not going to continue allowing it. . Especially once $WLD rose to $9 in February, with the possibility of going higher.

The peel is the peel.

3. That is why the ban has been urgently processed.

Free money without control and to any poor person: ANATHEMA!

Even so, with the App and without scanning, you can reserve 3WLD bonuses until the 3-month preventive break is resolved.

Or check if you pass through Portugal

The bonds have an expiration of one year

Take advantage and get free: 75WLD

[Don't forget to validate the code QP4C63G in configuration✅]