#ROSE $ROSE #FOXS #PythNetwork

Give a little prince to the unloved child

The Little Prince Meets the Rose is not about not knowing how to love when you were young.

It is the meaning of the encounter itself, which is that the "brightness" of [Dasein] illuminates another piece of "brightness", allowing one's existence itself to emerge naturally.

Because I watered her. Because I covered her with a glass cover. Because I protected her from the wind. Because I killed the caterpillars for her (but left two or three alive so that they could turn into butterflies). Because I listened to her complaints and boasts, and even sometimes her silence.

This is a very existential narrative style. You are different from those roses, because we illuminate each other, not seeing with our eyes, not like those anxious people who always rush to calculate everything with numbers, as if everyone who has reached a certain standard is the same.

What about falling in love? The story of the fox is not about Bai Yueguang or Zixia Fairy.

The fox said that humans no longer have time to understand anything, so whatever they need they go to the store and buy it ready-made. But friends are not sold in stores, so humans can no longer make friends.

If you want to get to know me, please sit down a little far away from me and don't talk. Because language is the root of misunderstanding. But you have to sit closer to me every day.

This is existential love (Owen Yalom). Use your whole being to connect with another person.

I keep myself open to you, I share happy things with you without asking for anything, just that I am happy in the moment. I tell you about my past experiences, just because I want to tell you, and I don't care what you think of me. Everything I know about myself unfolds naturally for you. This is the establishment of an "I"-"you" relationship.

And if I start to analyze and start thinking about what I want to get and what your impression of me is, then in this relationship, I will become "not fully present".

So sometimes people talk about why loving someone suddenly becomes humble. Because you suddenly start to examine this relationship, [Dasein] is reduced to a relationship between "me and things (needs)".

What about leaving? Leaving does not mean denying the encounter, nor does it deny falling in love.

Maybe there are no roses in my eyes anymore, but I know that on a certain planet, there is a flower that belongs to me. When I see all the stars, I feel very sweet.

Maybe wheat is just a color to me, but because I met you, when I see wheat, I will think of your golden hair, which will make me feel that this world has its own unique beauty.

What if you are not in front of me? Like a boa constrictor in a hat, if I no longer think of you, you are truly gone. Existence itself is not seen with the eyes, but "felt" with the heart.

And I met the little prince. Thank you for coming all the way to meet me.

I also look forward to meeting you again in the midst of impermanence, because you are in my heart and not elsewhere.