In the world of blockchain, we often hear the advice “don’t go to crowded places”. This is not just an investment strategy, but a profound philosophy of life. In this era of information explosion and unpredictable changes, the pursuit of being different seems to have become the goal of many people. However, true wisdom may not always lie in avoiding crowds, but in how to coexist with them when necessary, and even find your own path within them.

The development of blockchain technology has brought us unprecedented opportunities, but it is also accompanied by huge uncertainties and risks. In this environment, following the principle of "avoid going to crowded places" seems to be a way to protect yourself. It allows us to avoid becoming part of the bubble, remain calm and rational, and not be affected by the noise of the outside world. This is an application of thick black knowledge, a kind of wisdom that is good at protecting yourself and avoiding unnecessary losses.

However, life is not always black and white, and we cannot always stand on the sidelines and watch. Sometimes, the attitude of "you can go to crowded places, but you must be ready to run at any time and think about how to run" is more reasonable. This means we need to have the ability to quickly adapt to changes in the environment and be prepared to evacuate quickly if necessary. This is not just a survival technique, but a deep understanding of the unknown and uncertainty.

In the world of blockchain, we are often faced with rapidly changing markets and technologies. In this environment, those who can adapt quickly and make good judgments often succeed. However, this success is not based solely on technical or market analysis, but rather on a deep understanding of human nature, history, and social dynamics. We need to realize that no matter how technology develops, the fundamentals of human nature have not changed much. Many lessons from history still apply today, especially at the level of human nature and group behavior.

Therefore, for the blockchain community, understanding and learning about human nature, philosophy, thick knowledge, and history is not only to better invest or use technology, but also to find one's own position in this rapidly changing world. This means that while pursuing technological innovation, we must also have a deep understanding of the operating principles of human society and the complexity of human nature.

On this basis, we can begin to explore how to stay calm in a crowded market, how to hear our own voice amidst the noise, and how to make wise decisions in an environment where risks and opportunities coexist. This is not just a skill, but an art that requires continuous learning, practice and reflection.

Ultimately, when facing a crowded scene, whether we choose to stay away or face it bravely, the key lies in whether we can maintain a clear mind and firm beliefs.

(Purely personal opinion, if you want to argue with me then you are right)

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