There is what we call *Bullish traps* and *Bearish traps*. It can happen at the same time in the market.

A bear trap in trading refers to an illusion which leads traders into believing that a downward trend in an asset or market may soon reverse, creating an opportunity to buy. The term bear trap refers to its ability to trap traders who enter bullish positions prematurely at what appears to be trend reversals.

Bull traps occur when there is a temporary halt or reversal in an upward price movement in assets or markets, creating the false impression that it might start declining (become bearish). Traders may mistake this dip as an opportunity to sell off holdings or take short positions, in anticipation of sustained downward movement.

*In both scenarios Billions of dollars are whipped from the market*.

*Lesson*: It's only Spot trading with Royal Q which can save you from this because of its ability to enable traders to execute trades with Margin calls.

*The Royal Q Robot is built with an AI ability to automatically employ the DCA (Dollar Cost Averaging) technique during a down trend*

Good night. đŸ€— Kekekeke.