As the first KOL on the market who is optimistic about Matthew's plan, from the internal beta - public beta - igo - sale of land - the official launch on the 10th, this time I am going to be prepared to play with Matthew's chain games. Matthew’s igo token, mb4, has reached a maximum profit of 7 times.

The bull market is coming, and the leader of the chain travel circuit will gradually take shape.

Let me talk about my current mb4 situation. I subscribed 1BNB and 20 mb4 through the whitelist. All I drew were blue and cyan, so I sold the cyan and blue and replaced them with purple and yellow.

Although the official statement said that there was an airdrop, it did not explain what the airdrop was.

According to my internal beta experience, depending on the different NFT colors, there is a high probability of gold coins and Matthew coins. The probability of airdropping land is low.

I will continue to update Matthew's gameplay and gameplay strategies. There is also a guild group, welcome to join~~·