Brothers, remember to pay attention to Lao Niu

Some thoughts on speculation in the past month:

1. Money is brought by strong winds. Look for the wind, not the money.

2. The total amount of wealth you can obtain is determined by God, not your efforts. Don't worry about the gains and losses of one city or one place. If you go in the right direction, no matter how little you buy or how early you sell, you will still make a lot of money.

3. The new asset bull market is the biggest trend.

4. The trends are not entirely new. The most profitable trends I have seen are all the second wave (Inscription in October, Games in November 21, and NFT in July 21).

5. Buy faucets, get used to buying faucets, and form the habit of buying faucets. You will be able to grow bigger and bigger, and the ceiling will always be high.

6. Take positions and reduce the number of shots. Research is for screening, cognition is for identification.

7. The higher the price, the safer it is.

8. The most important thing is that life is about continuous improvement.

Jumping from one high-speed compound growth track to another, we will always be at the forefront of the times and always follow the waves.

Strange encounters lead to strange people, and when you go to places where there are many surprises, you mainly look for others.

9. The more money you have, the greater the fluctuations. You must get used to fluctuations. Change the concept of making money, which means that making money is not a linear daily step, but an exponential "overnight".

10. Big pie was around 40,000 a year ago, but now it is more than 60,000