🎯Everyone pay attention, currently all Tokens and Altcoins, large or small, have touched the Relative Strength Index (RSI) at very high levels, from >70 - 90. The market is going through a period FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) is extreme, and there is a high possibility of a correction.

Total Maketcap BTC&ETH

⭕️Note that the market is at a high risk level and a correction is inevitable. Trading participants should be cautious, and if profitable, consider cutting profits as soon as possible.

🎯March is the end of the first quarter, and April may see a conversion of cash flow to USD, especially if BTC's appeal increases. Therefore, standing aside and observing BTC's correction is a wise strategy. For those who already have a Port Follio, using the Auto daily function may be a better way to manage this period.

🔴**Note: Please do your own research and always consult experts before making investment decisions.**