Continuing from the previous article~

4. It depends on the strength of the main builders of the community. There is no limit to the strength, such as docking projects, resource capabilities, enthusiasm for promoting major platforms, meme making ability, and even good singing, etc., if there are just a few idle people who are lazy and lazy. It’s hard to keep up when placing orders, it will be really tiring!


5. The project itself, for example, take meme as an example, what is its own culture like, have the community builders created it, and created a richer culture to enrich the value, etc.!


6. Have you ever experienced deep dishwashing, been in a trough for a long time but still lived well?


7. Is it popular on Twitter and other platforms, and can it attract more powerful people to pay attention to it?


8. The layout is full! ! ! 😜😜😜

The above characteristics of Liutu Dog and the advantages of good projects are all my thoughts at this moment. There must be many errors or incompleteness. Welcome to put them forward in the comment area. I am willing to correct them. Thank you everyone!


For good projects, if you don’t know which one is better, I personally recommend choosing $BIBI without thinking. Of course, you are still responsible for yourself. If there is a group of people building it together, I will take $BIBI and at least list it on Binance! #BIBI The community is really great! Everyone is welcome to play, whether you hold it or not, whether you like it or not, whether you approve it or not, you can come to the community to complain, come here to have fun, welcome!


If you have any good projects, you can share them. I will pay attention to them, and I will also buy the good ones. The bull market is coming, and it’s time to make plans!

Continue below~

#Portal #BTC #BIBI #BNB