The airdrop series of articles has not been updated for a long time, probably in March last year. After the airdrop, I predicted the rise of #Ordinals. (for details, please see my previous article). After that, it basically lay flat. Fortunately, this wave has achieved unity of knowledge and action, and it happened to be a bull market. I have nothing to do, so I just write something.

#BLAST I think most people know it, it is also the second floor. The founder is Pacman, the big guy who created Blur before.

#Blur It is the largest NFT market protocol on Ethereum, with over 330,000 users and $7 billion worth of NFT transactions. Blur conducted the fifth largest airdrop in Ethereum history.

There is no need to say much about its own halo. The mainnet was launched on March 1st. Currently, multiple projects have also launched the Blast mainnet simultaneously. The specific projects will be published in the next article.

So why should you pay attention to and participate in the projects on Blast?

Another point is his income situation

  • Native income: Blast uses ETH and stablecoins as underlying assets to provide users with native income without relying on other tokens or platforms. You can stake ETH or stablecoins on Blast to get the corresponding yield, and you can also get Blast token airdrops to further increase your income.

Of course, we are actually aiming for airdrops, so the airdrop mechanism of Blast is as follows:

  • Airdrop Rewards: Blast uses Blast Points as an airdrop distribution mechanism to incentivize users to actively participate in projects on Blast. You can earn Blast Points by bridging assets to the Blast network and inviting more users to participate. These points will determine the number of Blast tokens you can receive in the May airdrop. Blast's airdrop will be divided into two parts: early members (50%) and developers (50%). You can get more Blast Points and more Blast tokens by participating in projects on Blast.

There are actually many specific projects, but because it is a new chain, there will inevitably be many scams and the risks are also very high, which is why I say it is very dangerous. So everyone must be careful, and I will publish another issue of related DAPP introduction when I have time. #热门话题