Hello, fellow coin collectors. With the launch of the Blast mainnet, the early interaction stage has come to an end. From the date of launch to before the airdrop in May, all subsequent interactions and coin collection will be conducted on the mainnet. If you are an early interactor, you should have locked in a portion of the early earnings and reward points. If you missed the early interaction stage, it doesn’t matter, the coin collection points on the mainnet are still very high.

  • Let’s first talk about the distribution of points on the mainnet. The official will evenly distribute the total airdrop rewards and points to Dapps and users, that is, 50% each. However, some Dapps have promised to distribute all their points and airdrop rewards to users, and some Dapps even share their gold points with users. This pattern is still acceptable. Therefore, the highlight of the mainnet is undoubtedly to interact with major Dapps.

  • There are many projects on the Blast chain, and the reward mechanisms of various Dapps are also different. Some share their own points and gold points, and some will have their own airdrop plans. But here I want to remind everyone that the big money of Blast must be on itself, so before interacting with these Dapps, you must make it your main goal to win Blast's airdrops. Don't lose the big picture for the small. There are so many projects, it is impossible to have them all.

  • Now let’s talk about these Dapps. You can see the list of these Dapps by pulling down the main network interface. There is a link at the back for your convenience to interact. It also gives the type of each Dapp, the total points, the total gold points, and whether it has its own airdrop. When choosing, try to choose projects that give users high points and gold points to maximize your own interests. As for airdrops, that is a side job, and you should not waste too much energy on the airdrops issued by these Dapps themselves.

  • Bonus multipliers. There will be bonus multipliers on the mainnet every once in a while, remember to claim them! You may not be able to claim all of these bonus multipliers before the airdrop in May, but at least you are guaranteed to claim some of them.

  • 【Precautions】

    When interacting, remember to enter from the link after the Dapps list on the main network interface, and do not click on links on other web pages or social platforms! There are many airdrop projects this year, and there will be more scammers, so everyone must be cautious!

  • Team up

    Friends who are interested can use my invitation code to enter the main network to form a team. The more people in the team, the more bonus points and gold points you will get. If you want to play for free, it is more cost-effective to form a team! Just use the link below to enter the main network and join my Blast army!


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