Very classic and very powerful!

Last time I shared my view on Crypto and a little bit about how to participate effectively?

I'm not a Crypto expert, I'm from Forex. I don't write to make some money. I just share so you can gain more profit from this Crypto market. You should read it once, to divide capital properly, very very useful.

When entering Crypto, you must have a comprehensive view of it, because in this market Crypto codes are diverse, countless and increase and decrease indefinitely.

So which code do you choose to join? I read a few articles that said you should find some potential codes and focus on those codes. I think it's okay.

However, according to my research, this market has a clear structure and division into lines. Streams include: Seeding, Meme, AI, Metaverse, Layer 1/2, Game, NFT, DeFi, Storage, Pow, Infrastructure, Launchpad, Launchpool, Polkadot. If you pay attention, each code has its own potential, developing cyclically.

My list of participating coins expanded from 20 codes, then 50, 80 codes and more. Why so much? Each has reached its growth cycle and increased dramatically, only slightly different from each other.

So for each code, I only invest 1-2% of capital depending on the evaluation potential. Then each DCA code has a good signal of 10-30%.

You will see that the coin lines will not disappoint you, one code adjusts, the other increases, your account will grow continuously. There are even codes where BTC does not affect too much.

And one more very important thing, the low or high price you enter (position) is not so important, but the important thing is when, for example, BTC 45k in Downtrend is dead, but in Uptrend season, the price is beautiful.
