After Bitcoin’s halving this time, it has entered the stage of negative sum game. If you want to obtain a large number of crypto coins, there are only two ways:

1. Buy with fiat currency

2. Project fraud

Type 1: There’s nothing to say

Second type: You must be careful because this is the only feasible way to get a lot of crypto coins. Don’t put your coins in L2 or pledge them, and of course don’t put them on small exchange platforms. I can tell you with 100% certainty that the coins you send out will definitely not come back in the end. All pledges on the chain are different from L2 cross-linking. Chains are all false propositions, and without exception they are all scam projects prepared for bugs. No matter who invests in whom, or who sells pyramid schemes, the result will be the same.

If you lose all your coins at this stage, you will have no hope of making a comeback in this life#BTC‬ #sol #BNB