Today's funds 531RMB 2024.2.29

Last night, in one second, 11 positions were opened, all with floating profits of tens to hundreds of U. I thought I would get rich if it went up like this, but in just one second, I lost 17,000 yuan and only had 500 yuan left, which was still in the capital account. All the trading accounts were liquidated. I opened a full position, and then it rebounded. The coin price didn't change much, but I was back to zero. Buying long with high leverage would go up for a few days and then go down in a few seconds. It was very painful. I was disappointed with the market. Maybe this is my fate. Dogecoin broke a new high today. My luck was a bit bad. If I hadn't made a mistake, it would probably be 25,000 today. Well, that's it. I don't have confidence in 500 yuan. The total loss in February is nearly 50,000. I might as well go to work honestly.