
Now that the mood has reached this point, let’s have some fun, haha ​​is not a strategy

【Coin Keeper's Oath】

Read the declaration of the coin keeper with me: The bad news is coming, I will keep the coin from now on until death. I will not flip coins, cash out, or go short. I will not look at the price, whether it goes up or down. I will hold the coin loyally and will not throw it away whether I live or die. I am a believer in value coins, and I am a guardian of Bitcoin. I am the flame that resists the plunge, the light during the surge, the horn that awakens the leek, and the shield that protects Bitcoin. I dedicate my life and glory to the coin keepers, tonight and every night.

Get up, people who don’t want to be leeks!

Even if the pie is at its most dangerous, I will firmly believe that I will become a hot money boss

Build our positions into our new Great Wall!

Every retail investor was forced to make one last roar.

The pie will not be sold until 2025!

stand up!

stand up!

stand up!

We are united, braving the fire of Wall Street,

go ahead!

Braving the fire of Wall Street,

go ahead!

go ahead!

go ahead! Enter!