Financial risks are approaching step by step (7) Final chapter

Amazon's revelation that its storage business fell short of expectations started to drive the Nasdaq down at the opening of trading today, haha.

In terms of operation, we will strictly implement the designated plan, make position adjustments and hedging operations at different points, and internally provide directions and response strategies at any time. During this period, remember to use high leverage to operate. If you must do this, you must see Just accept it, Damocles will come down at any time, don't drink too much, brothers.

There are many opportunities to make money, so don’t rush! Our team will still stick to the front line.

Thank you all for reading my lengthy thoughts.

Finally, I hope everyone has a happy May Day holiday, spend more time with their families, and relax with their spouses and parents!

Free guidance, let’s eat fish and grow together🚀

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