The fate of most experienced traders is one that few can escape. Either quit or become depressed, but those who persevere become legends. The temptation of trading and the greed of human nature are not amplified by linear multiples, but by exponential levels. No amount of experience can erase these weaknesses. If you don’t appreciate the ultimate suffering in life, you won’t have the ability to control your deepest desires.

It is said that there are three realms in life: looking at mountains is a mountain, looking at a mountain is not a mountain, and looking at a mountain is still a mountain. In the market, after countless hardships, I finally started to return to the easy track, which is nothing more than the following points: light positions, follow the trend, and sleep more. The mountain is still the same as when I first started trading, but people are people after enlightenment. Methods It’s still the most simple method. If you don’t take trading too seriously, your desire will have been raised to a new level without desire, so remember: light positions, follow the trend, and get more sleep! #BTC #ETH