The technical analysis of the MANTA/USDT token 🤑🚀🤑🚀🤑😎

summary of the technical analysis carried out by Cris Cors:

Bollinger Band:

This indicator shows price volatility using three lines: a moving average and two bands calculated from the standard deviation.

According to the chart, the price is within a tight range, with the upper line as resistance and the lower line as support.

RSI (Relative Strength Index): The RSI measures the strength of the price movement on a scale of 0 to 100. Although the exact value of the RSI is not shown, it is inferred that it is close to 50, indicating a balance between supply and demand.

Support and resistance lines: These are horizontal levels where the price tends to bounce or break.

The chart identifies four support and resistance lines, coinciding with the Bollinger bands or located between them.

Trend: The price does not show a defined trend, but is in a consolidation or range phase, without decisively breaking the support and resistance levels.

Recommendations for traders: Wait for the price to leave the range.

Confirm the breakout with volume and volatility. Use the RSI to detect divergences or extreme zones.

Follow risk and capital management rules.

Remember that technical analysis is a valuable tool, but you should always consider other factors before making investment decisions.