Filecoin will host "FILDevSummit24" in Denver on February 29

Filecoin will host “FILDevSummit24,” a gathering of developers and community members interested in innovation on the Filecoin network. The event will take place on February 29 in Denver.

You can find more detailed information in the official FIL tweet

Filecoin is a decentralized data storage system that aims to “store humanity’s most important information.” The project raised significant funds through an initial coin offering (ICO) in 2017. Filecoin is a cryptocurrency that is used as payment for storing or retrieving data within its own network. The network uses a unique proof-of-storage system in which miners are rewarded by providing storage space, and the data they store is constantly checked for relevance. Filecoin competes with centralized storage systems such as Amazon S3 and allows users to monetize their free storage space on the network.

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