The new ordi protocol enhanced version (ORDX) is a Bitcoin-based Layer 2 protocol composed of Pearl NFT and BRC20 basic inscriptions. It has the following advantages:

1. There is no need to engrave before transfer like BRC20.

2. Transfers will not cause destruction like ARC20.

3. There is no limit to the block height and everyone can play fairly.

Official website address:

The market value of the enhanced version of the new ordi protocol is currently US$2 million. It has recently been listed on the okx wallet and has been dominating the hot searches of the okxweb3 wallet. In addition, $rats is also worth paying attention to, and there may be a big explosion. Looking back in a few months, there may be room for growth hundreds of times.


#铭文市场 #BTC #ordinals热度不减,BRC20的ARKB值得关注