Keys to success in CRYPTO

1.You got to SHOW UP DAILY🀄, it doesn't matter if you're winning or not,just be around to witness price changes,analyze those charts,find new opportunities,just show up.

2. Set your GOAL🚩, it's easy to talk about goals how you want to achieve certain thing within certain period,what slips out of our fancy is the willingness to continue even when you're making significant loses and tiny profits. Despite,all this setbacks though, crypto needs a heart that bows to HOPE,PATIENCE and RESILIENCE.

3. Embrace DIVERSITY ⛄ ,don't stick to holding one token ,meme or coin. Conduct a prior research on potential coins that are likely to boom from top investors and analysers then add to your holdings.

Crypto in itself is diverse world.

4. No EMOTIONS rule đŸš„ ,just because you bought a huge sum of dipping #tia or whatever coin that was doesn't mean it is going to bounce back, if your analysis is telling you it's dumping,then do it,don't wait till it's too late to scream about how crypto is a scam.

5. Build a COMMUNITY 💌, it actually gets easy when you explain those complex CRYPTO manoeuvres to your homies , brainstorm with them how you can each make extra cash from it.

6. Follow me , like ,share and give a tip. I actually bring you the best 📈📉