Several projects that have been booming along the way...

Open from 420, to peanuts on sol, and 404 on eth. Tucoin has already topped the traffic rankings.

This time the Bitcoin ecosystem is once again at the forefront of innovation, so where will the future of Bitcoin go?

Anyone who pays attention to the music box knows that when Merlin is launched in the future, the nft form of the music box can be converted into the tsan form of ft at any time. This is the bilateral liquidity of the currency.

Next, can we build it based on the music box? For example, the music box is used as a container, allowing music creators to release 420 music assets around the music box. People who hold music boxes can purchase these electronic music assets and create their favorite albums in the music box (the front end needs product adaptation like bitmap browser to complete the user's product interaction).

Of course, this may be an idealized assumption regarding future trends, but the popularity of BTC is as strong as gold. At least for now, the entire BTC ecosystem is still like Chaolu, so the future of Bitcoin is obvious.

Brothers and sisters, are you ready?

#BTC #L2