🚀 Top 2 Airdrops for February! 🌟

1) Berachain Testnet

2) ($XR) XRader Airdrop Event

Let's dive into the easy one first, XRader ($XR)!

📲 Download Coinlive app from Playstore or Appstore.

🚀 Once you download the app, predict the direction of Bitcoin's chart for a 0.50% drop or rise and earn points.

Ways to earn points:

1️⃣ Get 50 points on your first prediction win by using my referral code (D9MMpsTgmv).
Make sure to use the invitation code before predicting; otherwise, you might get 20 points instead of 50 points.

Invitation Code: D9MMpsTgmv

2️⃣ Up-down submission = 10 points

3️⃣ Every up and down win = 10 points

4️⃣ Invited friends = 300 points

5️⃣ CLX spent = 3 points

Now, onto the exciting Berachain Testnet! 🌐

🚀 This could be the next Jupiter #JUP success in the next few months.

🎉 Testnet airdrops are known for giving users who interact with their testnet huge dollars, even in thousands.

🔍 Berachain looks promising as an ecosystem with serious funding in millions. Let's believe the outcome will be great next quarter.

Airdrop Hints:

🌐 Get Testnet Token

Get the faucet token from the above link. Make sure to add the testnet to your wallet already, then interact with the ecosystem.

🚀 Interaction Process:

BEX: Swap varieties of tokens and provide liquidity. Swap BERA for STGUSDC; make sure to leave some BERA for ⛽ gas fee. Swap other coins and stake in the liquidity pool of your choice.

HONEY: Use the swapped STGUSDC to mint Honey.

BEND: Supply asset and borrow Honey. Supply honey and get BGT reward.

BERPS: Use your Honey to trade up to a 100× leverage for and against the coins (advice: trade low leverage so your position can stay longer in the testnet trading terminal). Store some honey in the vault.


Use the reward to engage with governance. Claim BGT after 1 or 2 days and assign it to validators. If there is any vote taking place, use it to vote.

Finally, repeat the process every day or in a few days, your choice.