Ethereum’s pledge rate reached a new high, reaching 30 million ETH. According to CryptoPotato, although the Ethereum Shapella hard fork triggered concerns about selling pressure, the latest data shows that in January 2024, Intotheblock data shows that the Ethereum pledge rate At its peak, approximately 30 million ETH were pledged, with a staking participation rate of over 24%.

This milestone means people are more inclined to stake rather than sell their tokens quickly. Currently, the number of Ethereum locked pledges continues to rise, while only 11% of the token supply is stored on centralized exchanges.

The Ethereum upgrade Shapella allowed stakers to withdraw their tokens for the first time since December 2020, without causing widespread unstaking. Despite the introduction of new features that allow stakers to withdraw their tokens, the number currently staked is still 29.13 million ETH, accounting for 24.2% of the total supply.

According to DefiLlama data, the total locked value (TVL) of the EigenLayer-based Ethereum re-pledge protocol has exceeded $1.6 billion. Among the many agreements, the performance of the top three head agreements is particularly eye-catching.

First, ether. The total value locked (TVL) of fi reached US$670 million, with a monthly increase of 448%. Secondly, although Puffer Finance has been online for less than a week, its TVL has already reached US$315 million. Finally, Kelp DAO’s TVL reached $290 million, with a monthly increase of 106%.

These data show that the Ethereum re-pledge protocol market based on EigenLayer is showing strong growth, and the performance of major leading protocols has also had a positive impact on the entire market.

The ETH ecosystem has always been a popular choice in the field of digital assets. In this regard, it is recommended to pledge different assets on @eigenlayer, @KelpDAO, @ether_fi, @RenzoProtocol, @swellnetworkio, @Blast, and @Puffer, such as $stETH and $ ETH. For investors with limited funds, they can also choose one or two projects to pledge to achieve better risk diversification.


KelpDAO is a Restaking ecological project made by the LSD project Stader Lab. It belongs to the Liquid-LSDRestaking type. Currently, it is open to deposit Lido’s stETH and Stader’s ETHx, two LST tokens. In addition, the official has also made it clear that users who deposit into KeplDAO will be able to obtain Points bonus for EigenLayer. The current protocol TVL exceeds 160M, making it the project with the highest TVL in the LRT field. If you deposit ETHX into Kelp Dao or EigenLayer before February 2, you will receive EigenLayer points and additional Kelp Miles. Subsequent mileage points can be exchanged for airdrops. The token will be listed in Q2 this year.

Operating procedures:


Enter https:/ and stake ETH to obtain ETHX

STEP2: Enter

Note, after obtaining ETHX on Staderlabs, do not directly click on the link to jump to the kelpdao official website to link to the wallet, otherwise it will not be considered a valid invitation. If you do not follow the invitation link, you will lose 10% of the kelp miles mileage points. If you link the wallet If you don’t use the invitation link URL to log in, it will be useless to use the invitation link later. I have stepped on this trap before.

STEP3: Deposit the obtained ETHX into Kelpdao to achieve more than one fish.

2.Swell Network

The Ethereum staking protocol Swell Network has completed a financing of US$3.75 million. It can be used with Eigenlayer. You can pledge ETH on swell to obtain sweth, and then pledge the obtained sweth to Eigenlayer or directly pledge it on swell, so that you can eat more than one fish.

Operating procedures:

STEP1: Enter the swell official website

Click stake to pledge eth to get sweth. Currently, there are additional event rewards on swell:


Enter the Eigenlayer official website

According to the official statement, the staking opening time has been delayed again. LST staking will be reopened from February 6 to February 10 with no upper limit, and then staking will be suspended. Remember to stake on time, select Swell Staked Ether on the staking page and stake the sweth obtained before staking to achieve more than one fish.

3. EigenLayer is a new phenomenon-level project, the leader in the field of eth re-staking, and a new narrative of the re-staking track. In February 2023, EigenLabs, the team behind EigenLayer, completed a US$50 million Series A financing, led by Blockchain Capital, CoinbaseVentures, Polychain Capital, Hack VC, Electric Capital, IOSG Ventures and others participated in the investment, and the valuation terms were not disclosed. EigenLayer has not issued coins yet, but it has launched "re-pledge points", which are issued based on the user's re-pledge time and amount. Currently, EigenLayer has extended the re-staking opening window to February 6th to February 10th and removed the cap for all LST. The revenue cycle of this project may be a bit long, just wait patiently.

4. According to Planet Daily, the non-custodial liquidity staking agreement posted on the X platform that its total pledge value exceeds 200,000 ETH, which is approximately US$450 million.

Operating procedures:

STEP1: Enter the official website

Click the eETH option above to pledge ETH to get eETH

STEP2: Click on the DeFi option above, select the first pendle mining pool, and pledge the eETH you obtain into it to achieve more than one fish.

STEP3: After staking, click the Portfolio option above and sign in to the Daily Collector on the right side of the page every day to earn loyalty point rewards.

STEP4: Click show Badges on the right side of BADGES above the box. After entering, do the third email verification task. You can earn 5,000 loyalty points as a reward. After completing it, it will be displayed like me.


Earn ETH re-staking income and EigenLayer points, as well as Renzo points, and get two airdrops in the future! Note: Withdrawals are not yet available, probably until the end of the first quarter. However, the project team said that ezeth's LP will be deployed on dex soon, and then it can be directly exchanged for eth.

Operation process: Enter the Renzo official website

Stake ETH to get ezETH


@puffer_finance has received double investment from Binance Labs and Eigenlayer. The community generally believes that the expectations for listing on Binance are high. TVL is currently growing very rapidly. Puffer focuses on Anti-Slash LRT and also has some technical features. Currently, you can get 10,000 puffer points by depositing stETH worth 1ETH, and you can also earn Eigenlayer points.


STEP1: Enter Lido pledge official website:

Slide below, choose to stake ETH and get stETH

STEP2: Enter the buffer official website:

Link your wallet, bind Twitter, select a family and pledge stETH. Just choose the family you like. Don’t get too entangled. I chose Dolphin here.

After depositing stETH, click the option next to your avatar to view your ranking and points earned. This project has only been online for less than a week, but the total locked value (TVL) has already reached US$315 million. If you have enough funds, get in as early as possible.


The L2 public chain based on OP Rollup announced by Blast was not only successfully launched, but also completed financing of up to 20 million US dollars, including large investments from well-known institutions such as Paradigm. The strong financial support behind this provides Blast with sufficient development momentum and also shows the industry's optimism about its prospects. Its airdrop share is large, 50% community users, 50% developers! It’s still early days!

Operation process: Enter the blast official website, enter the invitation code, and choose any of the following invitation links:

blast’s ETH staking income = ETh’s basic staking income + 100 project airdrops from the blast ecosystem (specific projects will also have tasks) + blast’s own airdrops

#空投 #质押 #puffer #BLAST #EigenLayer