Beginning in 2024, predictions for the peak of this bull market in the crypto market:

1. BTC is 200,000 US dollars, ETH is 30,000 US dollars, BNB is 2,500 US dollars, and SOL is 500 US dollars!

2. The Bitcoin ecosystem has exceeded US$500 billion in market value. One of ORDI and SATS has entered the top 10 (market value exceeds US$100 billion), and the other has entered the top 20!

3. Bitcoin ecological asset issuance continues to explode, and the Bitcoin network stablecoin issuance exceeds 100 billion US dollars!

4. GameFi’s current bull market will see a number of implemented applications with a huge user base, and the experience will far exceed those of the projects in the previous bull market!

5. This round of bull market in the Metaverse will see a large number of practical application scenarios!

6. The module blockchain sector will generate a US$100 billion leader, and the entire sector will exceed US$300 billion! #btc #brc20aodo #内容挖矿 #热门话题