As expected in the previous article, the market mainly fluctuated in a wide range above $40,000.

The rebound hit the pressure level and pulled back slightly, then consolidated and broke through to stand at MA (25) 42,753 US dollars. The overall decline in this wave still held the key 40,000 mark, and a wave of false breakouts lured shorters. The overall decline in this wave started from the highs of BTC and ETH. From the high point to the low point, the decline reached 20%, which just wiped out 5 times of the long positions.

Taking advantage of the trend, falling below the 40,000 mark will induce short positions to enter the market. During the decline process, especially if it falls below 40,000, short positions will gradually accumulate. However, when taking advantage of the trend to reverse the short-selling trend, the overall rebound height of BTC can be paid attention to the mid-rail connection of the small trend channel. (Orange trend line) The price is around US$46,000. Overall, the rebound range is mainly volatile. During this period, you can pay attention to the ERC sector that is expected to upgrade in Cancun.

##热门话题 $ETH