#btc #eth #sol #bnb

In the bull market stage, for example, U-based contracts:

1: Up to 5 times leverage

2: The market is up: select up to 4 coins.

3: Funds can be opened at most 3/1 funds.

4: Just do certain things, slow is fast. If you have to take all the profits from your funds, you will be very embarrassed if there is a reversal or shock. The currency circle itself is actually leveraged.

5: There are too many myths in the currency circle, and surviving is the most important thing.

6: I personally think that the future currency circle will not be like the currency circle before 2020. If your funds are in the POW stage below 100,000 yuan, even 1,000u, as long as you are patient, time will give you the best gift and increase your awareness.

7: Don’t listen to the Chinese influencers who send out dozens of coins a day. There is always someone who is right. Their purpose is very clearly the Junket Operator in Macau, to get you to rebate commissions or charge you for joining the group. You have to learn to make your own judgment.

8: The future of the currency circle is promising. Looking at many people in China, they are like zombies~