Based on historical performance speculation, Binance’s return rate for this new launch of #ieo is about 1.5~4%, and the trend of #BNB is also the strongest during the two years of new launches.

If you do not participate in IEO, the annual interest rate of bnb's deposits on the chain is 60% to 80%, and the 5-day return is about 1%.

If you borrow money to participate in new creation, the annual interest rate for borrowing money on the current chain is 120%, and the five-day capital cost is about 1.7%.

The borrowing interest rate on the Binance platform is 180%, and the 5-day funding cost is 2.4%.

Participate through futures hedging. Calculated based on the capital rate of 1.2‰ every 8 hours, the 5-day capital cost is about 2%.