Special topic: Looking at the RaaS track from ALT - the full text is 1,000 words, which is not conducive to reading. Like it first and then read it.

#Altlayer will be launched soon. Let’s try to analyze the valuation issues that everyone is most concerned about. Now the price of Aevo is basically stable at around 0.26, and it is more than 0.2 off the market. It is likely to open between 0.2-0.3, and the FDV is more than 2 billion, which is a little lower than expected.

#RaaS Unlike the public chain, it is not easy to accurately value it. After all, it is a To B track. Ordinary retail investors do not have many opportunities to understand it, and there are currently no projects that have issued coins.

After researching RaaS, I found that this track has been quite busy in the past year. Each project will make improvements based on existing experience, and iterations are very fast.

After looking at it, I personally feel that Altlayer and Lumoz are the projects with the most innovative capabilities in the same RaaS track:

For the basic RaaS functions: customization, modularization, EVM compatibility, basically all projects have them, and some of the more bonus points include: sorter design, multi-chain support capabilities, consensus mechanism, types and quantity of optional modules, etc. The stacks used are also basically divided into OP series and zk series, or full support.

As an earlier RaaS project, Conduit designed the Elector consensus layer of multiple sorters, mainly to solve the problem of OP Stack's single sorter and ensure the availability of the sorter; currently it supports OP Stack and Arbitrum Orbit.

Caldera integrates with LayerZero to increase cross-chain capabilities and is compatible with multiple EVMs. Lumoz (formerly Opside) has made many innovations around zk: it has designed the Lumoz base chain, supports various zkEVMs, uses a hybrid consensus mechanism of PoS and PoW, and miners can participate in zk-POW to perform ZK proof calculations; Lumoz also wants to design its own decentralized Lumoz DA.

The main innovation of Altlayer is the concept of elastic Rollup: the design of Beacon Layer, as the middle layer between the L2 execution layer and the data availability layer, realizes a decentralized shared sequencer, and can also realize the interconnection between Rollups; and through Introduce Flash Layer Rollups to achieve elastic expansion.

In addition, EigenLayer is also used to implement heavy pledge Rollup. Since both Lumoz and Altlayer have basic chains, the introduction of tokens is a smooth process, which also gives ordinary users the opportunity to participate. But for To B projects, in addition to the technology itself, there is also a soft power, which is the ability to attract customers. In the future, as competition in the RaaS track intensifies, whoever has more use cases will be able to get a higher valuation. Volume technology, volume services, and volume resources are all indispensable.

In addition, with the rise of RaaS, it will also bring a wave of traffic to the existing modular infrastructure such as OP Stack, zk Stack, Celestia, Cosmos, various cross-chain protocols, etc. Project parties may vote with their feet, and maybe Whether it can become a touchstone is a matter for another time.

Finally, give a piece of wool. New users who register through the KOL invitation link and make any transaction can get 600 ALT: https://accounts.binance.com/register?ref=467639199… Users must fill in the form Registration is required to successfully participate in the event: http://binanceactivity.mikecrm.com/fojRVGe

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