Hello friends! Today I want to share some big news with you~ that is, the decentralized perpetual contract trading platform dydx that we are all familiar with has launched a new v4 version! Come and learn about this big event with me!

First of all, it is worth mentioning that the dydx platform completed a major adjustment in October last year, which was to switch from ethereum layer2 to cosmos. What is the purpose of this decision? As they say in their manifesto, they are “committed to achieving comprehensive decentralization of the entire market”, and this upgrade is definitely a big step forward for them towards this grand goal! To put it bluntly, their order books and matching engines have all entered a new stage, getting rid of the traditional, centralized operation method and moving towards a new era of more open, transparent and fair transactions! Really looking forward to seeing them achieve better results in the future!

But having said that, when it comes to the current total value locked (TVL) of each platform, the amount of uniswap is still much larger than that of dydx, which is as much as 4.42 billion US dollars; but dydx itself is not inferior, enough A total of US$332 million! Do you think it’s pretty awesome?

Let’s talk about this v4 version of dydx. Its trading volume is getting bigger and bigger! It has been surpassing uiswap for a while, and even ethereum-based dex has been outclassed. Including their own v3 version. Such a turn has really amazed many people, and it also fully demonstrates the power of dydx in the field of decentralized finance. They claim that they will eventually shut down the v3 version on Ethereum, but the specific timetable has not yet been announced. But no matter what, this platform still maintains a stable development momentum.

According to data from coinnmarketcap, within just 24 hours, the transaction volume of dydx v4 reached such an astonishing figure - US$633 million! It has surpassed the US$522 million of the famous dex giant uniswap v3 (Ethereum chain). In other words, dydx v4 has become the decentralized exchange with the largest daily trading volume. The transaction volume of dydx v3 is more objective, reaching 4.At $8.2 billion, it ranks third behind the top two.

In fact, the excellent performance of dydx v4 has received widespread attention and recognition from the industry. For example, Paul Veradittakit, the president of Pantera Capital, also believes that DeFi users are eagerly looking forward to finding a place that can meet their constant pursuit of high-speed transaction processing needs, and dydx v4 is exactly such an ideal choice. It sounds good~

Let’s talk about the market response. In the past two weeks, the price of dydx, its native token, has nearly doubled, rising by more than 15.8%. Such results are undoubtedly a high degree of recognition and strong support for dydx v4. Let us cheer for this excellent platform and welcome a new chapter of decentralized trading together! 😊