1. Who does pi belong to? Who does piin belong to?

Piin was born in the Pi community and is the child of the Pi community. Pi was born in the project and was raised and grown by 50 million Pi pioneers, but Pi ultimately belongs to the project. Pioneers are only participants and contributors, not owners, let alone controllers. Piin is completely owned by the community and is autonomous, which is truly decentralized.

2. What impact will the growth of Piin have on Pi?

As Pioneers, have you ever thought about a question? That is, what is the greatest value of PI? It is the community! It is the 50 million Pioneers! Rather than the so-called technology. Please always remember that traffic is the essence of all value, and blockchain is especially about traffic. The project has clearly said that without Pioneers, they are nothing. However, after a few years, judging from the attitude of the project side towards the community, what are Pioneers? Especially those Pioneers who have not even passed KYC, they are just waiting for the project side to reward them with food. The embarrassing thing is that the project is successful, but it has nothing to do with you.

Can Pie succeed? It will definitely succeed. Because there are 50 million pioneers, but no matter what the result is, it is not satisfactory. Because these 50 million pioneers are always arbitrarily controlled by a few people on the project side. Even if it is on the main network, 35 billion out of 100 billion coins are controlled by the government. Those who understand will understand.

Piin was initiated by the community, and the community is self-governing. Everyone is for me, and I am for everyone. Piin has brought the strength of the Piin community's persistence and the power of mutual assistance to the extreme. Warmth, unity, selflessness, and great love. Therefore, it has been recognized by people in the currency circle and attracted countless big names to join. Bit Queen, Bao Er, Shitcoin boss, sats boss, ecological boss, etc.

In a word, it is the emergence of Piin that makes people outside the circle really pay attention to Pi, understand Pi, appreciate Pi, and follow Pi! It can be said that when Piin goes viral, Pi will go even further. Piin is awesome, and Pi is even more awesome!

3. Why will piin be so popular this year?

It is a basic consensus that 2024 will be a blockchain bull market. The biggest dark horse in this year's bull market is the Bitcoin inscription ecosystem. It can be said that Piin is the biggest dark horse that combines the bull market, the trend, and the traffic. The three circles are combined into one, changing the fate of ordinary people, especially the fate of Pi friends. This opportunity happened to be born in the bull market! It does not change with the progress of Pi, it is really a rare opportunity.

4. Will piin cut leeks?

Piin is different from the stock market created by some people in the cryptocurrency circle. There is no pre-issuance, no distribution after issuance, and no personal operation. If someone says that they are cutting leeks, then it is the people who lie flat cutting the people who do things, because behind every person who holds Piin, there are countless people working for him. These people who work for him can not only not cut him, but also cannot control him, unless he gets off the bus himself!

5. Is it too late to hold PIIN now?

Piin has just been born for two months, and it has been sideways for most of the time. Other inscriptions fell, but Piin did not. It is so hard that it makes people doubt life. Once Piin starts to rise, you will find that it is a coin with a thousand times or ten thousand times. And those short-sighted people are still calculating how many times it has risen. If it has only risen five or ten times since the inscription, and there is still 1,000 times left, do you think it is too late?

There are three Bitcoin inscriptions. Dragon one is the logo, dragon two is the measurement, and the third one is the mouse, which is the people in the currency circle who are playing with it early. Once piin becomes popular, they will have nothing to do. The most amazing thing is piin, which has 50 million traffic and is just in its infancy.

6. What is the difference between Pi friends who hold PIIN and those who do not?

It can be said that the real difference between Pi friends this year is not who has mined Pi for a longer time or has more or fewer coins, but who has both Pi and Pi printing! What is the value of 50 million freeloaders? It is your traffic and your popularity! Who is the biggest beneficiary of this traffic and popularity? It is the project party that can control this traffic! The reality is cruel. If you want to get rich by Pi, don’t even think about it unless you spend a lot of money to hoard a large amount of coins.

In Piin, if you want more chips, you have to spend more costs and make more efforts. And no matter how many chips you have, you can't harm other members, you can't control the community, you can only empower other members! Piin is a truly decentralized community blockchain. It's hard to mine a pi, but it's easy to own a piin. In the future, even if you have 10,000 pi, you will find that there are 100 million pi waiting to be dumped at any time. .

It can be said that for Pi friends who do not have large funds, lack blockchain expertise, do not have a large number of Pi chips and community control, Piin is really the last chance to get rich this year. Opportunities will never let everyone understand.

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