#BTC #铭文 #Inscription

Fairness and justice are the way of human nature and are the first principles when the blockchain was born! Bitcoin has created a history of ordinary people minting money together, and the method of inscription has made this process simple and complex. It is the second revolution of the blockchain, which has taken the mission of Bitcoin created by Satoshi Nakamoto to a higher level. Tall building! At the same time, we comply with a sentence in Laozi's "Tao Te Ching": Tao produces one (#ORDI), one produces two (#sats), two produces three (#slor), three produces all things! Life and death are endless. From the perspective of issuing digital currencies (inscriptions), tens of thousands of currencies have been issued on BRC20 in just a few months. Of course, more than 90% of inscriptions will die due to various speculative reasons! This is of course also in line with the objective laws of nature, survival of the fittest! No fuss required. From 0 to 1, it explodes to 10,000 in a very short time. At the same time, it is impossible for the inscription to return to 0, just as many professionals judged that BTC would return to zero many years ago. The more you hope for it, the higher the price of BTC will be. Why? Because back to the beginning of the article, this is in line with human nature! And simple things are more in line with most human nature! Why can't many experts understand the inscription? Because they believe that Inscription is a step backwards for smart contract technology. The problem is that smart contracts are too high-level. How many ordinary people understand them? Inscription breaks this technical barrier, allowing a 60-year-old aunt to complete the issuance of an inscription within 30 minutes, and the issuance of digital tokens generated by pledging the inscription. In the past, this required a team of technicians to complete. What ordinary people want is simplicity, less is more!

Some people argue, who will buy the inscriptions issued by Auntie? This problem itself violates the spirit and first principles of blockchain. The original intention of blockchain technology research and development is that everyone can participate! Including aunt and uncle. After the start of Inscription, web2 practitioners and aunts and uncles will rush into the field. Of course, there are many pitfalls, and the tuition fees will not be less! It’s just that times are changing and the threshold is changing! I hope that innovation in the second half of Inscription will come soon. Capital and institutions are waiting with huge sums of money. They want old money to be exchanged for new money! Therefore, it is recommended that you don’t go anywhere in 2024, just travel on the BRC20 inscription track, you will definitely gain something! Why is it just BRC20 inscription?Because only originality is king, why is Bitcoin, which has no use, the king of public chains?