Where is funding rate recorded?!

#fundingrate #BNBUSDT #Futures

Clear information:

- Funding rate is usually positive. Traders with long positions will pay traders with short positions. Conversely, the funding rate will usually be negative when the market is bearish and traders with short positions will pay traders with long positions.

So, every day, which wallet is this portion of money received or payable recorded or extracted from?!

Is this amount automatically calculated into profit and loss on open positions on Future or increase/decrease in breakeven price?!

According to the funding data figure below, the investment is about 4700 USD (x2), yielding 283 USD in 30 days, equivalent to 3% on the open position of 9400 USD. This profit level is very high if understood as the amount received daily (as shown). You should study carefully.

Senior traders can please guide and explain in detail. Thank you very much