#EOS #IBC #crypto2023 #Web3

Recently, Crypto Wisser published a special article detailing the outstanding performance and far-reaching significance of EOS EVM and Antelope IBC. The article stated: In the new round of DeFi Summer that may come, EOS EVM can capture a lot of opportunities. However, EOS's ongoing innovation work is not limited to this. Antelope IBC represents a huge leap in interoperability.

The EOS Network Foundation Chinese team compiled and translated this article for Chinese community members to read.

Source: CryptoWisser

Original link: https://www.cryptowisser.com/antelope-makes-giant-leap-for-interoperability-as-eos-goes-multi-chain/

EOS, a giant frozen in the Layer 1 world, is gradually waking up from the cold.

For most of its life, EOS has been operating as an isolated ecosystem, seemingly isolated from Ethereum’s rising DeFi world, Polygon’s GameFi universe, and Solana’s hot NFT track.

Due to the lack of cross-chain bridges and the lack of motivation to build cross-chain bridges, EOS seems to be able to exist only in parallel with the EVM-driven blockchain world.

Now, EOS is preparing to embrace the EVM environment and usher in a new era of development. As a network created by Dan Larimer, this new era will be an era of deeper liquidity, newer DeFi Primitives, and greater ability to attract blue-chip project transplants.

EOS has been on a road to recovery since severing ties with lead developer Block.one. In addition to becoming EVM-compatible, EOS has further set the bar for interoperability in the industry by introducing Antelope, an IBM solution for horizontal scaling.

But before that, let’s first discuss EOS’s former enemy and reborn friend: EVM.

EOS gets on the EVM train

The Ethereum Virtual Machine is ubiquitous in the DeFi world.

As the runtime environment for smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain (and subsequently many other chains), it supports the creation of decentralized applications. The EVM is responsible for executing the bytecode of smart contracts, which is the compiled version of the contract source code.

It may not be the best blockchain virtual machine, but it is by far the most popular one, so protocol designers have a strong incentive to join the EVM support camp because doing so will make it easier for popular DeFi platforms (including blue chips like Aave and Balancer) to deploy on the new network.

It may be a little late for EOS to join the EVM gaming party now, but the timing is very timely as the market is currently heating up again, and in one round of new narratives in the crypto world, DeFi is expected to once again take center stage.

On January 18th of this year, Yves La Rose, CEO of the EOS Network Foundation, shared more information about the EOS EVM. The content is very detailed, but specifically: the EOS EVM performance benchmark leaves all other EVMs far behind.

Yves La Rose states:

With the ability to process 800 transactions per second, the EOS EVM will be four times faster than Solana.

In addition, Yves La Rose also confirmed that EOS will be the native token of EVM.

EOS EVM is currently undergoing final testing and fine-tuning and is expected to be launched on its mainnet around the end of March. This will be a perfect time, as many in the cryptocurrency community predict that this period will produce a new round of DeFi Summer, and EOS EVM can capture many opportunities.

But there’s more to EOS than just the EVM deployment, novel as that implementation is. Antelope is a more radical scaling solution that represents a huge leap forward in interoperability.

EOS shows off its IBC leap

Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) is a protocol for communication and asset transfer between different blockchain networks. It enables interoperability between different blockchain systems and supports the transfer of assets such as digital currencies and tokens between different networks. In the Cosmos ecosystem, IBC is a hot topic, but IBC is not limited to any one blockchain ecosystem.

Antelope is EOS’s improvement over IBC, with transactions finalized much faster. This means assets can be locked on one network and unlocked on another in seconds, rather than the minutes that is typically the case today.

Although it currently takes about three minutes for Antelope to complete this process, the introduction of Instant Finality will reduce this time to a few seconds. It is worth noting that the Antelope blockchain achieves finality. This means that transactions that have been confirmed in the block cannot be reversed without violating the protocol rules.

While it’s easy to think that IBC is only useful in the context of moving assets from network A to network B, it can actually be used for much more. For example, a GameFi transaction could be conducted on a cheaper sidechain and then the final state broadcast to the main network, or a governance vote on multiple chains could be collated and recorded with the help of IBC.

If the EOS EVM opened the door to Ethereum for EOS, then Antelope will open the door to a multi-chain world for EOS, where value can flow anywhere on demand almost instantly.

It is this breakthrough that will end EOS’s isolation, further connect it to the entire blockchain world, and usher in a new wave of interoperable protocols capable of providing liquidity.

After sleeping for so long, EOS finally wakes up.


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About the EOS Network

The EOS network is a model for the blockchain 3.0 era and is powered by EOS VM. EOS VM is a low-latency, high-performance and scalable WebAssembly engine that enables deterministic transaction execution with near-invisibility. The EOS network is designed for Web 3 and is committed to achieving the best Web 3 user and developer experience. EOS is the flagship blockchain and financial center of the Antelope protocol, and through the EOS Network Foundation (ENF) as a tool for multi-chain collaboration and the development of public infrastructure products, it further improves the infrastructure and drives the rapid development of EOS.

EOS Network Foundation

The EOS Network Foundation (ENF) was created to create a prosperous, decentralized future for the EOS ecosystem. ENF is ushering in a new round of Web3 change by encouraging active participation of key stakeholders in the EOS ecosystem, supporting community projects, providing ecosystem funding, and supporting the construction of an open technology ecosystem. As the center of the EOS network and a leading open source platform, ENF was founded in 2021 and has a stable set of frameworks, tools, and blockchain deployment libraries. Together, we have achieved innovation in community building and are committed to creating a stronger future for all.