Friends, with the listing on Binance, everyone reacts extremely ignorantly to Bonk like Shiba, but if you do research, you will see that Bonk increased 100x before being listed on Binance and the supply amount was 100 trillion. If our dream when investing is to earn a lot of money with a coin with many zeros, those who do this at Bonk have now given it to new customers with the support of Binance (I don't know its purpose). If you want to achieve this, you should not go for coins such as bonk gubi and shiba, which are listed on all exchanges and have made their ATH, but on the contrary, you should go for coins that have not made any ATH and are listed on very few exchanges yet, and are solid with lots of zeros but whose supply is not quadrillions. So no one can get richer than bonk or shiba anymore, I'm sorry..