今天下午17:30左右某安新币w矿线第43期项目 - Xai(XAI),此消息已经官宣,BNB立刻跳涨7%。


Unexpectedly, BNB would soar in less than 3 hours. At the same time, Bitcoin ushered in a sharp drop. Has the market turned this time? Today we will focus on BNB.

An An has launched four new projects this month. Have you seen such frequent actions? Is a certain An going to do something big? Since the beginning of this year, An has been keeping a low profile, and the price of BNB is as stable as a stable currency.

At the end of last year, An An had been under attack from regulatory agencies. Until recently, An An paid a sky-high fine and cz resigned from his position and retired temporarily. But during this period, the market has not been idle, the inscription is at its peak, and Solana’s rise has surpassed that of Ethereum.

Ou Yi's Web3 wallet has undoubtedly become a big winner after being launched on the Inscription Market. OKB has also achieved several times growth since this year, almost completely surpassing An. If An An does not take action at this time, his situation may become a bit embarrassing.

Therefore, in the AMA (question and answer exchange) last week, He Yi announced the plan of An An to enter Inscription, and the market also spread the news that An An’s Web3 wallet will be launched on January 4. For Inscription, this is a huge good news.

After the news of the launch of new projects today, BNB, Cake, Bake, BSW, BNX, etc. all rose rapidly. There are rumors that they will all involve BRC (Binance Smart Chain). Although some may be following the trend, this shows that a certain security This time the determination was very firm.

In fact, many people in the square are already familiar with Xai, and this may be a potential investment opportunity. The current feeling is that Binance is anxious to promote new developments.

To be honest, An is invincible in the bear market, especially last year, he can be called powerful. But now that there is liquidity everywhere, even Ethereum is not that popular anymore, so does Binance’s liquidity advantage still exist? I'm not sure either.

The only thing I can say is to keep paying attention as much as possible. The projects that An An is paying attention to must be good. After all, they are the leaders in the industry and their market share is there. If you hold related assets, you may want to wait and see, waiting for Binance's Web3 wallet to go online to see how it goes.

Another point to mention is that all of An's current actions basically revolve around games and artificial intelligence. These two fields have promising prospects, one is a future trend, and games are a good carrier for attracting traffic and funds. Investors may also want to pay more attention to the development in these two directions.



If you can't see clearly now, please look at history. In the last market cycle, with the largest increase in 2021 and the largest decline in 2022, BNB far exceeded Bitcoin.

Going back to the recent series of radical actions by An.com, it doesn’t matter even if you don’t know much about the currencies listed by An.an. It is safe to choose to hold BNB. After all, when the bull market comes, it does not lose to Bitcoin and Ethereum.

In addition, after the new leader takes office, he will definitely consider the market value of his own platform currency. The news of being surpassed by SOL is indeed a rare situation for An.